The installation consists of three lighting sculptures. Two of them interact on line with the web contents and analyze -through the RSS feed- how many times the words connected with the idea of fear and desire are actually used into the web. The more are the words projected on the sculpture, the brightest it becomes. The third sculptures interacts with the space through a sensor. >The public can enter into the bright cages in which he finds an additional anemometer. By simply breathing in and out, he can change the cage’s lighting process. The artist stages the relation between real and virtual life through a doubly interactive work able to offer at the same time a symbolic and a literal interpretation.
Alexandra Dementieva focused her work on social psychology and perceptive conditions, changing them into multimedia interactive installations. Through her projects, she aims to widen the viewer’s perceptive capacity by using different means: computer, video projections, sound, slides, photographs, etc.. By hinting at historical, social and political events, Alexandra Dementieva’s exhibition space becomes a frame in which the idea develops and changes. Her projects deeply investigate the perceptive experience and the way in which the spectator interacts as with the works as with the other spectators. The Russian artist Alexandra Dementieva exhibits her work into important galleries and festivals Belgium, where she lives and works, Russia, Brazil, Australia and Italy.
Programmazione, Tecnica Aleksey Grachev, Sergey Komarov
Breath detector Interface-Z
Produzione VGC (Vlaamse Gemeenschapscomissie) (BE), Cyland MediaLab Saint-Petersburg (RU), Adem vzw (BE)
Con il supporto di iMAL asbl/vzw, Brussels (BE) Flemish Ministry of Culture ico
Foto © Francesco Conti, Alexandra Dementieva