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SlowMo by Instant Dissidence:
Digital Artist Talk + Films Screening
Martedì 31 maggio H 13:00


Romaeuropa è lieta di presentare nell’ambito di Perform Europe, la performance SlowMo di Instant Dissidence.

Una coreografia pensata come un souvenir o come una serie di cartoline che prendono vita facendosi testimonianza di un viaggio; un’opera di danza in itinere che prenderà il via nell’Ecovillaggio di Cloughjordan (Irlanda) e approderà a Cipro attraversando l’Europa via terra e via mare per creare un collegamento digitale con la città di Roma.

La Fondazione Romaeuropa, digital presenter dell’iniziativa, vi invita a partecipare a questo evento speciale:

Per partecipare all’evento online è necessaria la registrazione su Eventbrite qui.

Intercettando le nuove tendenze di creazione e diffusione culturale, Fondazione Romaeuropa presenterà online tre brevi video che sono stati realizzati nel tragitto tra l’Irlanda e Cipro. Rafforzando una nuova dimensione di co-creazione culturale, le coreografie sono state informate e ispirate dai contributi scritti e audio di diverse figure a Roma che, per un motivo o per l’altro, hanno un legame con Cipro. Lavorando per rendere accessibili a tutti i contenuti culturali, i film saranno audiodescritti per non vedenti, sia in italiano che in inglese, grazie al supporto del progetto Blindsight.

In occasione di questa visione si terrà un Artist Talk, condotto da Rita Marcalo, direttrice di Instant Dissidence, e moderato da Fondazione Romaeuropa, in cui si affronteranno ed esploreranno temi quali: il ruolo del digitale e la definizione di nuovi modelli di creazione e divulgazione culturale, la definizione di un spazio per l’ambiente all’interno delle attività culturali, oltre a contribuire alla riaffermazione dei diritti culturali come pilastro dello sviluppo sostenibile. Interverranno al talk: Amber Bosteels, Diogo Santos, Gerard Headley, Thilde Andreasen, della compagnia Instant Dissidence.


Romaeuropa is glad to present the performance SlowMo by Instant Dissidence as part of the Perform Europe project.

A choreography ideated as a souvenir or as a postcards collection becoming testimony of a journey. A pièce that will start in the Cloughjordan Ecovillage (Ireland) and, traveling by land and sea, will arrive in Cyprus to create a digital connection with the city of Rome.

Fondazione Romaeuropa, digital presenter of the project, invites you to this special event.

To participate you must register at this link. 

Intercepting new trends of cultural creation and dissemination, Fondazione Romaeuropa will present online three short videos that have been created en route between Ireland and Cyprus. Reinforcing a new dimension of cultural co-creation, the choreographies have been informed and inspired from the written and audio contributions of different figures in Rome that, for one reason or another, have a link to Cyprus.

Working towards making cultural contents accessible to all, the films will be audio described for visually impaired people, both in Italian and English, thanks to the support of Blindsight project.

The Artist Talk, led by Rita Marcalo, director of Instant Dissidence, and moderated by Fondazione Romaeuropa, will tackle and explore themes such as: the role of the digital realm and the definition of new models of cultural creation and dissemination, the definition of a space for the environment within cultural activities as well as contributing to the reaffirming of cultural rights as a pillar to sustainable development. 

During the artist talk Amber Bosteels, Diogo Santos, Gerard Headley, Thilde Andreasen, dancers of Instant Dissidence, will intervene to discuss their creative process. For more information you can visit this page 



With the support of Perform Europe as part of the SlowMo: Connecting Cloughjordan Ecovillage to continental Europe via land, sea, and dance. Perform Europe is an EU-funded project aimed to rethink how performing arts works are presented across borders in a more inclusive, sustainable and balanced way by testing new touring and distribution practices and providing policy recommendations for a future EU support scheme. This 18-month journey includes a research phase, launching a digital platform, testing a support scheme, and designing policy recommendations. Perform Europe is funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union and co-managed by a Consortium of 5 organisations: IETM – International network for contemporary performing arts, the European Festivals Association (EFA), Circostrada, EDN – European Dancehouse Network, and IDEA Consult.

In partnership with with Ipogia Skini (Cyprus), Fondazione Romaeuropa (Italy), Helsingor Teater (Denmark), Vastsvenska Turnerande SommarTeatern (VTST) (Sweden), and In Between Time (United Kingdom).

The initial development of SlowMo was originally commissioned by Buffer Fringe Festival (Cyprus), funded by the Arts Council of Ireland, with additional support by IMPACT (Imagining Together – Platform for Arts, Culture, and Conflict Transformation) and additional development funding by the Centre Culturel Irlandais (Paris).

Image © Amber Bosteels by Jemma Stein