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Powered By REF2022
October 25th - 26th 2023
anni luce - theatre - theatre

Greta Tommesani


Greta Tommesani’s initial introduction at the Romaeuropa Festival took place in 2022 within her selection for Powered by REF. This year, she returns with CA-NI-CI-NI-CA, a sharp and ironic first study, suspended between stage writing, dramaturgy and stand-up.  It immediately conquers the public with its ability to mix a lightness of gaze with a profound political reflection on labour exploitation. The director and performer returns to the festival and completes the show, as she continues to superimpose reality and fiction, cynicism and beauty, scenic representation and obsession with productivity, performativity and self-exploitation.


Winning project of “Animali Teatrali Fantastici & Dove Trovarli”
Winning project of Powered by REf 2022
Winning project Bando Cura 2023

with Greta Tommesani
and Federico Cicinelli
dramaturgy and staging Greta Tommesani and Federico Cicinelli
with the collaboration of Daniele Turconi
care of the movement Beatrice Pozzi and Angela Piccinni
stage design supervision Marta Montevecchi
produced by Cranpi, 369gradi and Romaeuropa Festival
with the support of IT Independent Theatre, Olinda and Stratagemmi
as part of the Animali Teatrali Fantastici & Dove Trovarli
with the support of Residenza IDRA and Teatro del Lemming
within the CURA 2023 project