Alessandro Baricco returns to the REF, this time immersing himself in the writings of Thucydides. He articulates the story of the clash which occurred in 416 BC, between the Athenians and the inhabitants of the island of Melos, to the musical accompaniment of the 100 Cellos, together with Valeria Solarino and Stefania Rocca. A poetic, sharp and very current reflection emerges on the real meaning of justice and law within the context of the relationship between the aggressor and the assailed, the weak and the strong, the victor and the vanquished.
Thucydides. Athens versus Melo
Adaptation and direction: Alessandro Baricco
Music: Giovanni Sollima
with: Alessandro Baricco, Stefania Rocca, Valeria Solarino and Giovanni Sollima,
Enrico Melozzi, 100 Cellos
A production: Holden Studios
Costumes: Giovanna Buzzi, Slow Costume
Light: Fabiana Piccioli
Production Credits
BMW is a partner of all Scuola Holden activities