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Presented by MAXXI - Museo delle Arti del XXI Secolo

MaXXI -Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI secolo
September 25th 2024
dance - dance - danza e teatro italiano

CollettivO CineticO
Francesca Pennini

O+< Scritture viziose sull’inarrestabilità del tempo

Calligraphic and graphic elements have always been at the heart of CollettivO CineticO’s choreographic narratives. This performance is exactly that: a dialogue between the body of Francesca Pennini and a writer who acquires frames of the dance through a specific way of looking, as the movement is “tagged” with extreme speed on the stage surface. In turn, it is the body of the performer that feeds on the cinémi gradually written in space, generating a feedback circuit in which the movement proceeds by deformation and mutation- between what remains and what disappears.