5 November 9pm
Piccolo Eliseo Patroni Griffi
The Dutch choreographer Itamar Serussi presents “Ferrum”, a 5 parts duet inspired by Hezy Leskly’s poem “Seventh Dance”. Two elegant and strong dancers represent body-mind-space of a ring composed performance. The dancers’ right leg sprawl développé starts an auditory extension that makes the bodies slip into a distorted dimension. The duet -often presented as a solo or as part of “Home Again” (2011) performance- is a Serussi’s memory recover due to his experience as a former Batsheva Dance Company dancer; thus, the performance is a re-elaboration of traditional dancing and electronic music.
coreografia Itamar Serussi
con Genevieve Osborne, Milena Twiehaus
musica Richard van Kruysdijk
disegno luci Ate Jan van Kampen
stage design Florian Verheijen
costumi Jorine van Beek
produzione Danshuis Station Zuid