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National Premiere
Co-production REF
co-presented with La Fabbrica dell'Attore

Teatro Vascello
November 15th - 19th 2023
theatre - theatre

Fabiana Iacozzilli

Il Grande Vuoto

Il Grande Vuoto

Fabiana Iacozzilli returns to the REF to conclude her Trilogia del Vento, inaugurated with La Classe and continued with Una Cosa Enorme. Four paintings shed light on the slow dissolution of a family: an elderly couple, a daughter and her mother with Alzheimer’s, a carer, what remains of our existence in a house, lives that end leaving behind only clothes, cups, postcards, magnets and photographs ready to be boxed and taken away forever. With her writing anchored to puppetry and the visionary power of scenic machinery, Iacozzilli returns to scour the gray areas of our existence, to narrate our aspirations, our dreams and their failures, the fragility, the strength and all the energy that makes us human.


by Fabiana Iacozzilli
dramaturg Linda Dalisi
performers Ermanno De Biagi, Francesca Farcomeni, Piero Lanzellotti, Giusi Merli e con Mona Abokhatwa set design and production
progettazione e realizzazione scene Paola Villani
lights Raffaella Vitiello
original music Tommy Grieco
sound Hubert Westkemper
video Lorenzo Letizia
costumesAnna Coluccia
stagecraft by Mauro Rea e Neo scenografie di Paolo Immarone e Vincenzo Fiorillo
lighting technician Francesca Zerilli
sound engineer Jacopo Ruben Dell’Abate
assistant director Francesco Meloni
assistants Virginia Cimmino, Francesco Savino, Veronica Bassani, Enrico Vita
artistic collaboration Marta Meneghetti, Cesare Santiago Del Beato
stage photo Laila Pozzo


Production Credits

produzione Cranpi, La Fabbrica dell’Attore-Teatro Vascello, La Corte Ospitale, Romaeuropa Festival
with the contribution of MiC – Ministero della Cultura
with the support of Accademia Perduta / Romagna Teatri, Carrozzerie n.o.t, Fivizzano 27,
Residenza della Bassa Sabina, Teatro Biblioteca Quarticciolo 

Thanks to Luisa Pacilio, Martina Bonati, Martina Tirone, Clara Greco, Benjamin Miller,
Mirko Lorusso, Irene Paloma Jona, Marco Ferrara, Beth McCreton

DEBUT: Romaeuropa Festival 2023