With Mont Ventoux, the Kor’sia Collective- founded by Antonio de Rosa and Mattia Russo- revisit Ascesa al monte ventoso, the work that Petrarch wrote in 1336: a letter – at least in appearance – which recounts the ascent up a mountain on any April afternoon. Under this seemingly simple thematic line, Petrarch offers an alternative to faith, a challenge to the temptations we encounter in pursuing the truth, a journey of humanity’s ascent that leaves behind the dark years of the Middle Ages and determines a new paradigm of human existence: namely, Humanism. The Italo-Spanish Kor’sia carry his text into the present, with urgency for change. The uncertainty of the future becomes the key to a collective awakening, like the one invoked by Petrarch- a type of mantra, through which Kor’sia aspire to give new meaning to words that are important today: climbing the mountain and recovering our values.
Concept and direction: Mattia Russo and Antonio de Rosa
Choreography: Mattia Russo and Antonio de Rosa in collaboration with the performers
Dramaturgy: Agnès López-Río
Set and light designers: Amber Vandenhoeck
Music: Da Rocha
Costume design: Luca Guarini
Production: Gabriel Blanco and Paola Villegas (Spectare)
Technical direction: Meritxell Cabanas
Production Credits
Collettivo Kor’sia Collective with the support of: Conde Duque Contemporary Culture Center (Spain), Tanzplattform Rhein Main (Germany), HessischesStaatsballet (Germany), Romaeuropa Festival (Italy), The Watermill Center (USA), Tanz Bozen Bolzano Danza (Italy), Grec Festival- Barcelona Festival (Spain) Tero Saarinen Company (Fi ), Istituto Italiano di Cultura de Madrid (Spain) OperaEstate Festival Veneto (Italy)
MONT VENTOUX is a production by Kor’sia in coproduction with: Conde Duque Contemporary Culture Center (Spain), Tanzplattform Rhein Main (Germany), HessischesStaatsballet (Germany), Romaeuropa Festival (Italy), The Watermill Center (USA), Tanz Bozen Bolzano Danza (Italy), Grec Festival- Barcelona Festival (Spain) Tero Saarinen Company (Fi ),OperaEstate Festival Veneto (Italy) FEDORA – VAN CLEEF & ARPELS Dance Prize.
with the support of: Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport – Government of Spain, Community of Madrid, City Hall of Madrid.