After presenting the first study during the last edition of Powered By REF, Pietro Giannini completes “La Traiettoria Calante”. The show retraces the collapse of the Morandi bridge which occurred on 14 August 2018 in Genoa. Under its rubble are the personal trajectories of 43 people who, having fallen, will never be able to get up again. Between fairy tale and reality, inspired by narrative theater or civil theatre, Giannini constructs a bitter and cruel satire, retracing a piece of our country’s history, between victims and perpetrators, seeking an explanation for what still today seems impossible to explain.
Pietro Giannini was born in Genoa in 2000, the city where he took his first artistic steps under the protective wing of Enrico Campanati. In 2019 he entered the Silvio d’Amico National Academy of Dramatic Arts. Over the three-year period he collaborates with directors of clear fame and artistic depth, such as: Massimiliano Civica, Arturo Cirillo, Valentino Villa, Liv Ferracchiati. He also began a parallel path of theatrical research which led him to write and stage “La Costanza della Mia Vit” in 2022 and “La Traiettoria Calante” in 2023. With the first he joined the Generazione Scenario (Metastasio production). On the other hand, “La traiettoria calante” immediately sees the light thanks to the Romaeuropa Festival, which puts it on the bill as part of the Powered by Ref 2023 (the project that supports under30 artists). Currently on stage with the productions signed by the Academy, he acts under the careful guidance of Antonio Latella, Giovanni Ortoleva, Federica Rosellini and Leonardo Manzana.
by and with Pietro Giannini
Production Credits
production Teatro Nazionale di Genova