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National Premiere

November 2nd - 3rd 2024
Scena internazionale - theatre - theatre

Lagartijas Tiradas Al Sol



Mexican company Lagartijas Tiradas al Sol continue to investigate and narrate the contemporary history of South America. The driving force behind their new production is the meeting with a Nicaraguan woman forced to leave her country. By focusing on a territory that Mexico has often turned its back on, the show explores the connections between two different countries, highlighting both similarities and contrasts.



«Lagartijas Tiradas al Sol is a flock of artists. We work on stage, we make books, radio, videos and learning processes. Since 2003, we started developing projects as a mechanism to link work and life, to erase and trace frontiers. Our work seeks to create narratives upon events from the reality. It has nothing to do with entertainment, it’s a space to think, articulate, dislocate and unravel what the everyday life fuses, overlooks and presents us as given. Things are what they are, but they can also be another way. We have presented our work in almost all the states of the Mexican Republic, we have made performed in festivals, independent venues, state theaters and universities. Overseas, among many others, we have worked in Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Brussels. Schaubuhne, Berlin. FIBA, Buenos Aires. Wiener Festwochen, Wien. Festival de automne, Paris. Theater Spektakel, Zurich. FTA, Montreal. HAU, Berli?n. Kammerspiele, Munich. Santiago a mil, Santiago. Bienal de teatro, Sao Paulo. DeSingel, Antwerp. Festival internacional, Caracas. FAEL, Lima. Belluard international, Friburg. Cena Contempora?nea, Brasilia. TBA, Portland. FIAC, Salvador de Bahi?a. Festival de oton?o, Madrid. RADAR, LA. Temporada alta, Girona. Dialog Festival, Wroclaw. Centro cultural Espan?a, Guatemala. Bad, Bilbao. Inteatro, Ancona. TNT, Terrasa. Mess, Sarajevo. Fusebox, Austin. Norderzon, Groningen»


A project by: Lagartijas Tiradas al sol
Performance and coordination: Luisa Pardo and Lazaro Gabino Rodriguez

Scene and light design: Sergio Lopez Vigueras
Backdrop design and implementation: Pedro Pizarro
Assistance: Macaria Reyes
Artistic support: Mariana Villegas, Chantal Penalosa
Image design: Cecilia Porras Saenz
A—–: Ella fuerte

Witnesses: Dora Maria Tellez, Gabriela Selser, Rafael Camacho and all Nicaraguan women who shared their stories but cannot be named for security reasons.

*Members of Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte 2020-2023.