Inspired by the Italian common expression “eating with the eyes,” “Eat Me” is a reflection on the making of the observed body. The soft forms of the two dancers outline the curves of abstract postures: memories from the topos of the lying female portrait and everyday gestures draw images of a progressive emancipation from the floor, remaining unabashedly frontal but concealed. The project was awarded during the 2023 edition of DNAppunti Coreografici and comes to its debut after a course of residency and study.
Giorgia Lolli (1996) is a dancer and author from Reggio Emilia, currently engaged in master’s studies in Choreography at Theater Academy Helsinki. Her choreographic work crosses several platforms, including Anghiari Dance Hub, Young Author Dance Showcase, and Boarding Pass residency actions in Kaunas, Krakow, Buenos Aires and Tunis. Since 2022, she has been teaching Dance Well – Movement research for Parkinson’s, within the European project coordinated by Operaestate. In 2023, she danced in How the Land Lies by Bianca Hisse and Laura Cemin (Kiasma Theater, Aerowaves), and is selected for Nuovo Forno del Pane, a residency project curated by MAMbo – Museum of Modern Art in Bologna. With “Eat me” she wins together with Sophie Claire Annen and Sebastian Kurtén DNAppunti Coreografici 2023.
Concept and choreography: Giorgia Lolli
With: Sophie Claire Annen e Giorgia Lolli
Sound design: Sebastian Kurtén
Light design Elena Vastano
Costumes: Suvi Kajas
Production Credits
Developed in the field of Nuovo Forno del Pane Outdoor Edition, progetto di residenza curato dal MAMbo – Museo di Arte Moderna di Bologna
Winner project at DNAppunti Coregrafici 2023, promoted by Romaeuropa Festival, Triennale Milano Teatro, Gender Bender International Festival, Operaestate Festival Veneto, L’arboreto – Teatro Dimora, Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza Virgilio Sieni
Production: Anghiari Dance Hub, Nexus Factory
Partner: Padova Festival Internazionale La Sfera Danza