Do our desires and our ability to love desert our last remaining years of life? What lingers of the vitality of the flesh? How can we reinvigorate our human desire for contact? How long will we continue to be able to love? Director Mohamed El Khatib returns to the Romaeuropa Festival on his continuous journey of delving into biographical and personal narratives, in order to narrate the love stories of couples between the ages of 74 and 102.
Mohamed El Khatib is an author, visual artist, cinema and theater director. He develops projects at the crossroads of performance, literature and cinema. Through intimate and social epics, he multiplies the opportunities for encounters between art and those who are far from it.
After “Moi, Corinne Dadat”, who invited a cleaning lady and a classical dancer to take stock of their skills, he continued his exploration of the working class with the monumental piece “STADIUM”, which summons on stage 58 supporters of the Lens Racing Club. With children of divorced parents, he questioned on the radio and on screen what the family can produce as a story. With the historian Patrick Boucheron, he drew a popular history of art through the snow globe.
Alongside his projects for the stage, Mohamed El Khatib has developed visual research in collaboration with several artists. In Savoie, alongside Valérie Mréjen, he initiated the creation of the first art center in nursing homes. At the Lambert Collection in Avignon, he imagined a sentimental exhibition by bringing together precarious curators from the Abbé-Pierre Foundation and members of the museum staff. At Mucem, he created the monumental Renault 12 exhibition, inspired by the car trips of Franco-Maghrebi families.
Conception and direction: Mohamed El Khatib
With alternating depending on their longevity: Annie Boisdenghien, Micheline Boussaingault, Marie-Louise Carlier, Martine Devries, Jean-Pierre Dupuy, Jacqueline Juin, Jean-Paul Sidolle, Yasmine Hadj Ali… (distribution in progress)
Project Manager: Camille Nauffray
Artistic collaboration: Mathilde Chadeau
Scenography and artistic collaboration: Fred Hocké
Video: Emmanuel Manzano
Interviews: Vanessa Larré, Vassia Chavaroche and Marie Desgranges
Sound: Arnaud Léger
General Management: Jonathan Douchet
Production Management: Gil Paon and Sylvia Courty
Administration: Cécile Boursier
Press: Nathalie Gasser
Production Credits
Production: Zirlib
Coproduction (in Progress): Points communs – Nouvelle scène nationale Cergy-Pontoise-Val d’Oise, Co-médie de Genève, Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles, Théâtre national de Bretagne – Rennes, TANDEM Arras Douai, Comédie de Clermont-Ferrand, Théâtre Garonne – Toulouse, Equinoxe – Scène nationale de Châteauroux, La Coursive – Scène nationale de La Rochelle, Espace 1789 – Saint Ouen, Théâtre de Saint Quentin en Yvelines, Bois de l’aune – Aix-en-Provence, Théâtre de la Croix-Rousse – Lyon
Residence : Mucem, Le Channel – Scène nationale de Calais
Zirlib is approved by the Ministry of Culture – DRAC Centre-Val de Loire and supported by the City of Orléans.
Mohamed El Khatib is an associated artist at the Théâtre de la Ville in Paris, the Théâtre National de Bretagne in Rennes and the Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles.