1986. About 90 towns and villages around Pripyat are evacuated as a result of a failed atomic test. Zvizdal presents an intimate portrait of a ghost town and the elderly couple who chose not to abandon it. A story of loneliness, survival, poverty but also of hope and love between two eighty-year-olds who are surrounded by fossilized spaces that are invaded by nature and the colorless and odorless radiation that pervades everything around them.
Concept and direction: BERLIN/Bart Baele, Yves Degryse, Cathy Blisson
With: Nadia & Pétro Opanassovitch Lubenoc
interviews: Yves Degryse et Cathy Blisson
Photography and editing: Bart Baele et Geert De Vleesschauwer
set design: BERLIN, Manu Siebens et Ina Peeters
Sound recordings: Toon Meuris, Bas De Caluwé, Manu Siebens et Karel Verstreken
Performer: Olga Mitronina
Soundtrack and mixing: Peter Van Laerhoven
Set construction: Manu Siebens, Klaartje Vermeulen, Dirk Stevens et Kasper Siebens
Scale models Ina Peeters, with help from Puck Vonk, Rosa Fens and Thomas Dreezen
Mechanical design Joris Festjens et Dirk Lauwers
Graphic design Jelle Verryckt
Production Manager Laura Fierens
Company management: Kurt Lannoye (until 2021), Tine Verhaert
Office management: Jane Seynaeve, Maya Van der Brempt
Distribution: Eveline Martens, David Bauwens
Communication: Sam Loncke
Production Credits
Production: BERLIN
co-production Het Zuidelijk Toneel (Tilburg, NL), PACT Zollverein (Essen, DE), Dublin Theatre
Festival (IE), le CENTQUATRE-PARIS (FR), Brighton Festival (UK), BIT Teatergarasjen – House
On Fire (Bergen, NO), Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Brussels, BE), Ku?nstlerhaus Mousonturm
Frankfurt am Main (DE), Theaterfestival Boulevard (Den Bosch, NL), Onassis Cultural Centre
(Athens, GR)
with the support of the Flemish government, DE SINGEL (Antwerp, BE)
thanks to Wim Bervoets, Brice Maire, Lux Lumen, Els De Bodt, Pascal Rueff, Morgan Touzé,
Christophe Ruetsch, Isabelle Grynberg, Nadine Malfait, Natalie Schrauwen, Katleen Treier, Piet Menu, Anthe & Ama Oda Baele, Remi et Ilias Degryse
BERLIN is in-house artist at NTGent (BE), associate artist at DE SINGEL (Antwerp, BE)
and international associate artist at CENTQUATRE-PARIS (FR).