18 – 19 October 9pm
Teatro Eliseo
Choreographer, dancer, director, guitarist, singer, Frédérick Gravel is really one of Montréal scene main character: his works are pop and as he say are a choreographic concert due to the presence of musicians together with guitars, dancers and singers. Gravel plays with the spirit of our times and links poetry to clichés and pop to radical culture. “Usually beauty fails” is a vivid exploration of love, beauty and human relationships: Gravel, inspired by music videos’ easily erotic shade, exalts the frontal vision of the performance in order to create a sensual and seductive atmosphere between his dancers. In the end they find themselves both provoking and being provoked.
concezione, direzione e coreografia Frédérick Gravel
con Frédérick Gravel, Vincent Lagault, Brianna Lombardo, Stéphane Boucher, David-Albert Toth, Peter Trosztmer, Lucie Vigneault Jamie Wright
compositori Stéphane Boucher, Philippe Brault
assistente artistica Ivana Milicevic
direttore prove Jamie Wright
luci Alexandre Pilon-Guay
direttore tecnico e di palco Frank Condat
suono Jimmy Boury
produttore esecutivo Marie-Andrée Gougeon per Daniel Léveillé danse
co-produzione Danse Danse
in collaborazione con Place des Arts (Montréal), Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis (France), Moving in November (Helsinki), Département de danse de l’Université du Québec à Montréal, Société de la Place des Arts (Montreal), Circuit-Est centre chorégraphique (Montreal), Centre Segal (Montreal)
con il sostegno di Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec
Agenti George Skalkogiannis, Sarah De Ganck/Art Happens (Benelux)
Gravel beneficia del sostegno della compagnia Daniel Léveillé danse nel quadro del suo programma di sostegno alla produzione e alla diffusione.
Frédérick Gravel è membro di Circuit-Est centre chorégraphique (Montreal, QC).
Il pezzo musicale “Something Chimes in Me”, composto da Stéphane Boucher, è gentile concessione delle Éditions Éloize.