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National Premiere

Teatro Argentina
September 26th - 27th 2020
theatre - theatre

Bashar Murkus | Khashabi Theatre


The second appointment with Palestinian director Bashar Murkus (staged for the first time at REf20 also with The Museum) is a pungent and merciless satire of consumer society. Conceived as a monologue, this performance shows the body of a man immobilized inside a room in which he continues to gain weight: a narrow, claustrophobic space (perhaps a bedroom) in which nothing is able to move and to come to life. Terrified of everything that happens outside the narrow home walls, the man lives under the cold eye of an invisible authority: HASH. Control or self-control, drive to consumption and inertia alternate in the small space imagined by the director to tell a dystopian universe that appears as a lucid metaphor for our present.


Khasabi Theatre – Il Khasabi Theatre è un’organizzazione culturale indipendente fondata in Haifa nel 2015 dal Khasabi Ensemble, un collettivo di teatranti palestinesi. Khashabi mira a fornire agli artisti uno spazio per sperimentare, creare, ricercare e svolgere forme alternative di teatro e arte costruendo uno spazio in cui i tabù sociali, politici e artistici possano essere sfidati e creando un ambiente creativo basato sulla cooperazione e sul sostegno reciproco.


By Bashar Murkus and the project team
Direction and dramaturgy: Bashar Murkus
With: Henry Andrawes
Scenography: Majdala Khoury
Video: Nihad Awidat
Lighting design: Moody Kablawi and Muaz Aljubeh
Choreography: Samaa Wakim
Translation: Lore Baeten

Production Credits

International tours: As Is presenting arts
Produced by: Khashabi Theatre 2017
Producer: Khulood Basel