5 November 9pm
Piccolo Eliseo Patroni Griffi
Claudia Catarzi’s choreographic work is all about a great talent for listening and concentrating; on stage she is able to catalyse the audience’s attention from her first moves and to take it into her indefinite and lonely universe where the body is an unclear form that overcomes its physical limits. “Intorno al fatto di cadere” is her new dancing thought about the sleep-wake and conscious-unconscious borders. The performance is a happened desire, which means that there’s a place where it can be realized and a place where it may push itself to. The thought makes room for imagination and reality becomes a surreal and concrete loss of control, which is possible only by a deep body’s mastery and natural virtuosity.
di e con Claudia Catarzi
produzione Company Blu
con il sostegno di Fondazione Teatro Metastasio Stabile della Toscana, Graner/Mercat de Les Flors, CSC/Casa della Danza di Bassano del Grappa, Armunia/Castiglioncello, Centro coreografico de la Gomera/Isole Canarie, STUDIO 44/ Constanza Macras | DorkyPark