9 – 12 October
9pm | sun 5pm
Teatro Eliseo
The story of Agamemnon and his returns to Argo from the war of Troy, his murder by his wife Clitemnestra and her lover, his son Oreste’s vendetta on both mother and Egisto and the Erinys’ persecution of the matricidal. Whenever ricci/forte take inspiration from the Classics, the Atreu’s quests are a perfect observation point and excuse for a reality’s aggression. Their violently impact plays seem inspired by the cruelty of Artaud as pumped by a funky rhythm, a hard rock guitar riff and the plastic immobility of Crewdson’s photography; ricci/forte always tell our present times. The final objective is the crisis we are facing, with its unconsciousness and auto destructive degeneration, together with the extreme paradox of an ethical necessity.
ricci/forte presenta Darling
con Anna Gualdo, Giuseppe Sartori, Piersten Leirom, Gabriel Da Costa
drammaturgia ricci/forte
movimenti Marco Angelilli
elementi scenici Francesco Ghisu
costumi Gianluca Falaschi
suono Thomas Giorgi
direzione tecnica Davide Confetto
assistente regia Liliana Laera
regia Stefano Ricci
una produzione Romaeuropa Festival e Snaporazverein
in co-produzione con Théâtre MC93 Bobigny/Festival Standard Ideal,
CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del FVG, Festival delle Colline Torinesi