Born from the collaboration between the Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop led by Michael Rauter, Luigi De Angelis, founder of the Fanny & Alexander company, and the actor Marco Cavalcoli, Serge is a work inspired by the life of Sergei Diaghilev, the cosmopolitan and visionary Russian impresario who revolutionised the world of international dance upon founding the Ballets Russes.
Diaghilev’s real talent for seduction allowed him to exert a significant influence over the European art scene and to inaugurate a new sensibility for hedonism and aesthetic pleasure. On stage, De Angelis, Kaleidoskop and Cavalcoli create a ‘choreography of seduction’, a catalogue of gestures based on the most famous works of the Ballets Russes.
As the actor plays the role of Diaghilev, he manipulates and seduces the audience like a Pied Piper, with music accompanying the iconic works commissioned by the Ballets Russes, starting with a 70-minute version of Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune (Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun). The result is a sonorous and gestural landscape composed of fragments of arrangements and movements, from legacies in ruins, a portrait of Diaghilev and his aesthetic universe.