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6+ years old
Mattatoio - Teatro 1
November 23rd - 24th 2019
kids - theatre


Kafka e la bambola viaggiatrice

The power of theatre and of video projections  is used to present on stage Kafka and the travelling doll (Kafka e la bambola viaggiatrice) from the eponymous book by Jordi Sierra i Fabra. Berlin. An afternoon. A park. Kafka meets a girl who is sad for losing her doll. Starting from here, the writer creates a new unusual work. It is a dialogue between two different type of humanity, a comparison between two different ages within a common experience: growing, changing, letting go.


The company teatrodelleapparizioni, founded in Rome in 1999, focuses its first experiments around sensorial theater, the viewer becomes thus participant and fundamental element of the play itself, within unconventional scenic spaces that absorb the viewer in the vision. Then the encounter with youth theater and the production of  “La stanza dei segreti” which signed the beginning of a fertile relationship with schools, children and youth, becoming, at the same time, target and poetic source of its productions. From here begin an intense and productive activity mainly direct to the new generations. Between 2010 and 2017 many performances are achieved with the support of Face à face 2011, ZTL_pro, Teatro di Roma, Css Teatro Stabile di Innovazione del Friuli Venezia Giulia. “Il tenace soldatino di piombo – un film da palcoscenico”, produced in 2013 with Teatro Accettella, it’s the winner of Eolo 2015.



tratto dal romanzo “Kafka y la muñeca viajera” di Jordi Sierra i Fabra
Adattamento e drammaturgia Valerio Malorni e Fabrizio Pallara
Regia Fabrizio Pallara
Con Desy Gialuz e Valerio Malorni
Immagini video Massimo Racozzi
Scene e costumi Fabrizio Pallara e Luigina Tusini
Ideazione e costruzione bambola Ilaria Comisso
Organizzazione Sara Ferrari
Produzione CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del FVG con teatrodelleapparizioni