Juri is an intergalactic explorer and a red-nosed clown, a somewhat clumsy and lonely hero who boards his rocket to discover new planets and new forms of life. He invites the young public to join the crew of his spaceship and to embark on an extraordinary journey that brings them face to face with gravity, the moon, the stars and with our human fears and dreams.
Regia: Giorgio Bertolotti e Petr Forman
In Scena: Giorgio Bertolotti, Rosalie Schneitler
Discipline: Clown
Video mapping: Josef Lepsa, Jan Hrdlicka (3d sense)
Disegno luci: Petr Forman, Igor Schmidt
Musiche di: Daniel Wunsch
Costumi e scenografie: Josef Sodomka, Jakub Hanzl, Veronika Konturova, Francesca Novati
Suoni e rumori: Marek Poledna (Studio Bystrouska)
Tecnico audio, video, luci: Rosalie Schneitler
Razzo spaziale cupola geodetica: Marco Olimpio, Sonia Natante
Creazione tecnica: Andrea Monopoli | Produzione: Giorgio Bertolotti e Petr Forman | Con il sostegno di: Bertolotti Family and Schneitler Family