Fanny & Alexander tell the story of the Wonderful Wizard of Oz and its sequel, The adventures of Dorothy. Traveling to OZ, the young audience will meet the most bizarre characters of the saga, in a show inhabited by the two actresses Chiara Lagani and Consuelo Battiston and populated by the animations of illustrator Mara Cerri. An adventurous game is born, full of wonder for children and adults alike.
Uno spettacolo di Fanny & Alexander
ideazione: Chiara Lagani e Luigi De Angelis
con: Consuelo Battiston e Chiara Lagani
drammaturgia: Chiara Lagani
illustrazioni: animate Mara Cerri
musiche: Mirto Baliani
regia scene e luci: Luigi De Angelis
Una produzione Accademia Perduta, Teatro delle Briciole/Solares Fondazione delle Arti, E production