Director Filippo Andreatta returns to represent the relationship between humans and nature through the theatrical medium, this time inspired by the alpine tragedy of Stava, an Italian town which, on July 19, 1985, was hit by an avalanche that wiped out its existence. The void left by the news reports corresponds to that of a scene inhabited only by ghosts: those of a lost landscape and that of a choir intoning Lux Aeterna by Ligeti, giving voice to the emotion of the inhabitants who once lived there. A requiem that “plunges western theater into its birth: the Attic Tragedy”, as Andreatta explains.
OHT – OFFICE FOR A HUMAN THEATRE – Founded in 2008, OHT [Office for a Human Theatre] is the research studio of theatre-maker and curator Filippo Andreatta whose work deals with landscape, daily personal politics and public spaces. OHT has realized national and international collaborations such as with the Haydn Foundation (IT), the NYC Artists’ Salon (USA), the Romaeuropa festival (IT), the Triennale Teatro Milan (IT), the Josef and Anni Albers Foundation (USA), the Whitechapel Gallery London (UK), the Teatro della Tosse Genova (IT), the Italian Cultural Institute of Vienna (AT) and the MAXXI museum of the arts of the XXI century Rome (IT), among others. Finally, Centrale Fies, has frequently been a partner on various projects. OHT has been honoured with awards for artistic excellence, including Nuove Sensibilità for young theatre directors (2008), Movin’Up award for young artists (2016 and 2017), OPER.A 20.21 Fringe (2017) and nominated for Best Set-Design at UBU prize (2018).
ENSEMBLE VOCALE CONTINUUM – The Ensemble was founded by Luigi Azzolini with the aim of studying and enhancing new and modern choral compositions, and the rediscovery of lesser known classic pages. In the summer of 2006 the Ensemble performed the world premiere of Vijidaes (Giorgio Battistelli). Among other revivals particularly remarkable are the execution of Verdi’s Requiem; the inauguration of the Sacred Music Festival with Il Trionfo del tempo e della verità by Handel; Händel’s Messiah with the Haydn Orchestra of Trento and Bolzano; the execution of the Messiah, of the Messa di Gloria (Puccini) and of Adelia (Donizetti) at the Alto Adige Festival in Dobbiaco. Present several times within the Symphonic Season of the Haydn Orchestra, the Ensemble presented the resumption of the Canti Rocciosi (by Giovanni Sollima). For the Transart Festival last September, Ensemble Vocale Continuum proposed and recorded Silvia Colasanti’s Requiem. Its recordings, many of which have premiered in a live setting, are numerous.
György Sándor Ligeti – Born on 28.05.1923 in Transylvania, he died on 12.06.2006 in Vienna. He was a pivotal composer of avant-garde music, especially on the development of tonal color and mass movement of sound. Most of Ligeti’s music after the end of the 1950s involves radically new approaches to music composition. Intervals, rhythms and musical harmonies are often indistinguishable, yet act together in a multiplicity of sonar events creating a sound that can communicate serenity as well as dynamic and distressing movement. Examples of these effects can be found in Atmosphères (1961) for orchestra; Requiem (1963-65) for soprano, mezzo-soprano, two choirs and orchestra; and Lux Aeterna (1966) for choir. Ligeti has received numerous awards, including the Großer Österreichischer Staatspreis (1990), the Praemium Imperiale award for music from the Japan Art Association (1991) and the Theodor W. Adorno Prize from the city of Frankfurt for outstanding musical achievements (2003).
19 JULY 1985
An Alpine tragedy
performance by OHT | Office for a Human Theatre
music “Lux Aeterna” by György Sándor Ligeti; “Again – after ecclesiastes” by David Lang; “ndormenzete popin” Mountain chant
chorus / Ensemble Vocale Continuum
master of chorus: Luigi Azzolini
directing, set-design and text: Filippo Andreatta
dramaturgy: Marco Bernardi
coripheus, music and sound: Davide Tomat
set design and construction: Alberto Favretto
lighting design: William Trentini
stage-manager: Viviana Rella
best-girl: Letizia Paternieri
assistent director: Veronica Franchi
video: Armin Ferrari
Production Credits
producer and administrator: Laura Marinelli
promotion and curating: Laura Artoni
expert gardener: Cleto Matteotti
sound technician: Claudio Tortorici
electronic development and automation: Enrico Wiltch
animal spirit: the Deer
production: OHT
co-production: Romaeuropa Festival, Centro Santa Chiara Trento
artistic residency: Centrale Fies art work space
supported by: Fondazione Caritro, Provincia Autonoma di Trento under the patronage of Fondazione Stava 1985
With Thanks to Bruno Ballardini, Michele Longo, Matthias Losek, Susanna Sara Mandice, Sandro Piovesana, Virginia Sommadossi, Chiara Zanoni and the woodman