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National Premiere
Co-presented with Instituto Cervantes di Roma
Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone
November 9th 2023
dance - dance

Jon Maya
Andrés Marin
Julen Achiary


Yarin brings to the stage a cultural encounter between two different traditions, languages and areas of Spain: the Basque tradition, as embodied by the dantzari Jon Maya, and that of flamenco, represented by Andés Marin. Accompanied by Julen Achiary’s live music, the two performers come together to have an honest dialogue that highlights both their differences and their desire to share a common path towards the future.


Dancers: Andrés Marín and Jon Maya
Live music: Julen Achiary
Choreography: Andrés Marín, Jon Maya and Sharon Fridman
Playwright Sharon Fridman
Choreography assistant: Melania Olcina
Lighting and scenic space: David Bernués
Sound space: Xabier Erkizia
DCreative production: oltza Oar-Arteta
Costumes: Ikerne Giménez
Acronic Producciones technical team
Administration: Elena García

Production Credits

Production: Kukai Dance
Collaboration and co-production realities: Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla, BBK Bilbao Aretoa, Errenteriako Udala, Festival Escenas de Patrimonio, Festival de Itálica, Malandain Ballet Biarritz, Victoria Eugenia Antzokia e Etxepare Euskal Institutoa.
Organized dall’Instituto Cervantes e INAEM, nel Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resilencia – finanziato dall’Unione Europea –

Questo evento si avvale del supporto del Programma Internazionalizzazione della Musica e delle Arti Sceniche spagnole, coorganizzato dall’Instituto Cervantes e dall’Istituto Nazionale delle Arti Sceniche e della Musica (INAEM) del Ministero di Cultura e Sport della Spagna, nell’ambito del Piano di Ripresa, Trasformazione e Resilienza – finanziato dall’Unione Europea –