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Special project by Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels for Villa Medici - Accademia di Francia a Roma and Romaeuropa Festival 2024

Gran Salon - Villa Medici
November 8th 2024

dance - dance - Scena internazionale

Alice Ripoll / REC


Created in 2017, shortly after the Olympic Games and the Football World Cup in Rio, aCORdo by Alice Ripoll is an investigation into the impact on the city of major events, always from the point of view of those who live on its fringes. Four dancers from the favelas of Rio bring to life the often invisible actions of their daily lives, on the stage of the Grand Salon of the Villa Medici. 


Alice Ripoll is a choreographer based in Rio de Janeiro. She directs two dance groups, REC and SUAVE. She investigates the relationships between contemporary dance, theater, performance and Brazilian urban dances. Her shows have been presented in numerous festivals and theaters in Brazil and abroad, such as Panorama Festival, Rencontres Chorégraphiques de Seine-Saint-Denis, Zurich Theater Spektakel, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Centre Pompidou, HAU, Wiener Festwochen and others.


Director: Alice Ripoll
Performers: Alan Ferreira, Hiltinho Fantástico, Romulo Galvão, Tony Hewerton
Assistant: Anita Tandeta

Production Credits

Production Management: Natasha Corbelino, Corbelino Cultural
Production Assistants: Thais Peixoto, Isabela Peixoto
Distribution: ART HAPPENS
With the support of: Centro Coreográfico da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro; Rafael Machado; Centro Cultural José Bonifácio
Co-produced by: CENTQUATRE-PARIS; Festival d’Automne à Paris
Supported by: Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian – Délégation en France and Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels