Il mio corpo è come un monte is a work of physical and visual juxtaposition that contemplates the possibility of a literally impossible desire: wanting to be a mountain. The power of desire overrides the rules of rationality which would go against its fulfillment. However, by relying on other levels of perception; abandoning a logical use of scenic elements; and using a vivid and stimulated imagination, a human being can actually become a mountain. Building on the hypnotic component of the performance, as well as the visual and sound installation, the show steers the viewer closer to an altered state of perception, outside the boundaries of logical understanding of what happens on stage- it provides a means for accepting the irrational.
concept, texts and direction Giulia Odetto
sound landscape Lorenzo Abattoir
with Lidia Luciani, Daniele Giacometti, Giulia Odetto
direction assistant and dramaturgy Antonio Careddu
tutor Filippo Andreatta
Production Credits
The project has been selected by Powered by REf 2021
coproduced by Romaerupa Festival and Mirabilia – International Circus & Performing Arts Festival
in partnership with Romaeuropa Festival in the field of ANNI LUCE osservatorio di futuri possibili
In collaboration with Carrozzerie | n.o.t
Corealization residency Periferie Artistiche – Centro di Residenza Multidisciplinare della Regione Lazio In network with ATCL – Circuito Multidisciplinare del Lazio per Spazio Rossellini supported by KOMM TANZ/PASSO NORD residency project Compagnia Abbondanza/Bertoni in collaboration with Comune di Rovereto
In collaboration with OHT – Office for a Human Theatre
Photo @Piero Tauro