7 November 9pm
Piccolo Eliseo Patroni Griffi
Manfredi Perego -Equilibrium 2014 Award winner with “Grafiche del Silenzio” and Vetrina Anticorpi XL 2014 selected artist- shows and explains his choreographic work in a disarming simplicity. He expresses his dance into an osmotic feeling with the stage and “Dialogo a tre con una molecola d’aria” is an amplification of it. Light, sound and body develop a real-time performance based on an improvised emotional dialogue. Air is the element that allows information transmission between every dancer. Movement, light and music create an instantaneous and unrepeatable performance; the atmosphere is inspired by a Japanese Haiku that sets the whole suggestion: sounds of light / air vibrate / temporary place.
ideazione Manfredi Perego
produzione mp-IDEOGRAMS
movimento Manfredi Perego
luci Antonio Rinaldi
musica Paolo Codognola