Emmanuel Lévinas says that, in the simple encounter with the other, the essential, the absolute comes into play: the
showing, the epiphany of the other is where I discover that my world is mine as long as I can share it with the other.
This tension, this impossibility to escape from the other, which the Lithuanian philosopher calls “asymmetry”, lies at the
origin and development of Francesca Foscarini’s new piece, Vocazione all’asimmetria, a piece in the shape of a duet,
which cautiously unfolds in an alternation of solos and moments together, of the time to show and the time to meet, of
the discovery of what divides from each other and of the research of what unites and creates a possible us.
The two dancers, while wishing to be with the other, and at the same time in their act of resistance against being
absorbed by the other, while alternately being and not being there, of being for themselves and being for the others,
will take the audience into the active and participated vision of a continuous transformation of identities and roles that
shows itself at the time of occurring that is the present time; through the gaze, the voice, the making and unmaking of
dance, it will unveil, conceal, and reveal the otherness always sought after and always slipping away.