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Romaeuropa Festival 2017

Romaeuropa Festival 2017

Where are we now?

Un viaggio lungo 100 giorni quello di Romaeuropa Festival 2017, per raccontare le storie degli oltre trecento artisti ospiti attraverso una mappa tematica e narrativa che va oltre i soliti confini. Musica, teatro, danza, circo e arti visive lasciano spazio a storie potenti, visioni, racconti di sé ed esperienze da condividere.

79 progetti con 60 spettacoli oltre a mostre, installazioni, convegni e percorsi di formazione174 repliche in 24 diversi luoghi, per un totale di 57.600 posti di spettacolo in vendita; 7 prime assolute, 32 programmi internazionali. Giunto alla sua 32esima edizione e definito da Les Echos come: «Un festival internazionale che sospinge senza sosta i confini dell’arte», Romaeuropa convoca dal 20 settembre al 2 dicembre un battaglione di oltre trecento artisti provenienti da 32 Paesi

from February 12th to November 15th
Parco della Musica Contemporanea Ensemble | Paolini | Montalbetti | Frankie Hi-Nrg | Brunello
Auditorium Parco della Musica - Sala Sinopoli
Among the most important exponents of the ‘first generation’ of so-called narrative theatre, at the Romaeuropa Festival Marco Paolini will be presenting  #Antropocene, a...

September 20th - 23rd
Sasha Waltz
Teatro Argentina
If there is a name that can embody the history of dance and at the same time trace out the future of the genre,...

September 21st - 23rd
Rimini Protokoll
Stefan Kaegi | Dominic Huber
Pièces sans personnes

Teatro India
With its shows created through interviews and research conducted in the field, Swiss company Rimini Protokoll – directed by Stefan Kaegi – could be...

September 26th - 27th
Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui | Eastman
Fractus V
Auditorium Conciliazione
Fractus V marks choreographer and dancer Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui’s return to Romaeuropa Festival. The conflict between information and manipulation is the theme of the...

September 27th
Phil Griffin | Troubleyn/Jan Fabre
Teatro Argentina
Presented in Bologna during the Ubu Prize to Jan Fabre and for the first time in Rome, Surrender by artist and filmmaker Phil Griffin...

from September 28th to October 1st
Dada Masilo
Teatro Olimpico
Having conquered the audience with her personal interpretations of Swan Lake (Romaeuropa 2013) and Carmen (Romaeuropa 2014), with Giselle Dada Masilo continues an artistic...

from September 30th to October 1st
Troubleyn/Jan Fabre
Belgian Rules/Belgium Rules
Teatro Argentina
Read the glossary of Belgium Rules/Belgian Rules After the monumental 24 hours of Mount Olympus – To glorify the cult of tragedy (presented exclusively...

October 1st
Jeff Mills & Tony Allen
Live set
Auditorium Parco della Musica - Sala Sinopoli
October may be a very hot month. Especially if it opens with the extraordinary collaboration between two of the most important names in the...

October 3rd - 4th
Industria Indipendente
MACRO Testaccio - La Pelanda
Founded by Erika Z. Galli and Martina Ruggeri, since 2005 Industria Indipendente has been heading an artistic research characterised by experimenting with different forms...

October 3rd
Azzurra De Gregorio
MACRO Testaccio - La Pelanda
Azzurra De Gregorio, from Molise, is engaged in a research that extends into the field of performing and visual arts; at the Festival she...

October 4th
Robert Henke
Lumière III
Teatro Argentina
Lumière III is using high precision lasers to draw rapid successions of abstract shapes on a screen, in perfect synchronisation with sound. Intense light...

October 4th
Ciascuno è attore della propria danza
In memory of Trisha Brown
Opificio Romaeuropa
On 20 March 2017, the announcement of Trisha Brown’s death shook the world of contemporary dance and art. The American choreographer and dancer, among...

October 5th - 6th
Giuliano Scarpinato
Se non sporca il mio pavimento
Un mèlo

MACRO Testaccio - La Pelanda
After receiving the Premio Scenario Infanzia 2014 award for Fa’afafine – mi chiamo Alex e sono un dinosauro, Giuliano Scarpinato is back on stage...

October 5th - 9th
K. Szymanowski | A. Pappano | Masbedo | Orchestra e Coro dell’Accademia di Santa Cecilia
Król Roger (Re Ruggero)
Auditorium Parco della Musica - Sala Santa Cecilia
With the opera King Roger by Karol Szymanowski (1924), the conductor Antonio Pappano has chosen to inaugurate the 2017 concert season of the Accademia...

October 7th - 8th
Dante Antonelli
Collettivo SCHLAB
MACRO Testaccio - La Pelanda
Founded by Dante Antonelli as an encounter between artists, dancers, actors and authors, the Schlab company (as the name suggests) focuses its theatrical study...

October 7th - 8th
Compagnie 111 | Aurélien Bory
A piece by Aurélien Bory

Teatro Argentina
  Along with his Compagnie 111, Aurélien Bory has gained a reputation as a poet of space and a wizard of staging; an artist...

October 10th
Carl Craig presents Versus Synthesizer Ensemble
A symphony of Techno
Auditorium Parco della Musica - Sala Sinopoli
  A living legend of techno music, American DJ and record producer Carl Craig has sought throughout his career to renew the definition of...

October 12th - 22nd
Alessandro Baricco | Nicola Tescari | Dario Voltolini
Pacific Palisades
MACRO Testaccio - La Pelanda
Combine the writing of Dario Voltolini, the oratory and narrative power of Alessandro Baricco, the music of pianist and composer Nicola Tescari (who has...

October 13th - 14th
The Holy Body Tattoo
with live music by Godspeed You! Black Emperor

Auditorium Conciliazione
Imagine a complete fusion of rock music and choreography. First performed on stage in 2005, monumental represents the peak of the artistic career of...

October 13th
CRM | GRAME | Orchestra Sinfonica Abruzzese | Coro di smartphones
Geek Bagatelles
Auditorium Parco della Musica - Sala Petrassi
Geek Bagatelles is the work of French composer Bernard Cavanna, which debuted in Italy at the Romaeuropa Festival, and co-produced by a network of...

October 14th - 15th
Olivier Meyrou | Matias Pilet
Cirque autobiographique

Teatro Vascello
  Autobiographical Circus: this is how acrobat Matias Pilet and documentary reporter Olivier Meyrou define Tu, a show that marks their renewed collaboration following...

October 17th - 29th
Ascanio Celestini
Teatro Vittoria
The second part of a trilogy begun at the Romaeuropa Festival in 2015 with the debut of the show Laika, PUEBLO is the new production...

October 21st - 22nd
CollettivO CineticO
Benvenuto Umano
Teatro Vascello
This is one of the Italian groups who have done and continue to do the most to shake up the choreography and theatre sector;...

October 25th - 27th
De Facto
MACRO Testaccio - La Pelanda
Directed by Fiorenza Menni (founder of the Teatrino Clandestino company, and actress for the Teatro delle Albe and Fanny & Alexander), the Ateliersi company...

October 26th
Lisa Ferlazzo Natoli | Gianluca Ruggeri
Les Adieux!
Parole salvate dalle fiamme

MACRO Testaccio - La Pelanda
  “Melologue for the New Millennium” – this is how actress and director Lisa Ferlazzo Natoli and percussionist, director and composer Gianluca Ruggeri define...

October 28th
Edison Studio | SIAE | Cineteca di Bologna
Sounds of Silences
MACRO Testaccio - La Pelanda
Edison Studio collective, with the support of Società Italiana degli Autori e Editori for the SIAE – Classici di Oggi project and with the...

October 28th - 29th
Agrupación Señor Serrano
Teatro Vascello
Melilla. Some men play golf while behind them dozens of immigrants, like Hitchcock’s Birds, balance precariously at the top of a fence, trying to...

October 29th
Edison Studio | Cineteca di Bologna
Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari
MACRO Testaccio - La Pelanda
  After presenting their personal soundtrack to Hitchcock’s Blackmail at the Romaeuropa Festival 2016, shaking up all the clichés of film music with their...

November 1st - 2nd
Io non ho mani che mi accarezzino il viso
Teatro India
Born from the encounter between actor Andrea Trapani and director Francesca Macrì, over the course of more than ten years the Biancofango company has...

November 2nd
Arno Schuitemaker
I will wait for you
MACRO Testaccio - La Pelanda
I will wait for you: the words of a declaration of love, the beginning of a wait, the development of a distance. However, Arno...

November 2nd
Timothy and the Things
Your Mother at my Door
MACRO Testaccio - La Pelanda
  «I find it extremely interesting to show spectators (through dance) the inner processes that influence and guide their actions and decisions». This is...

November 2nd
Orlando Izzo | Angelo Petracca
Trattato semiserio di oculistica
  Founders of Collettivo Nada, Angelo Petracca and Orlando Izzo present Trattato semiserio di Oculistica. The show is the fulfilment of the study with...

November 3rd - 4th
Babilonia Teatri
Teatro India
With Paradiso, Babilonia Teatri ends its theatrical reading of the Divine Comedy. Winner of the Silver Lion at the Venice Theatre Biennale, and twice...

November 3rd
Jesús Rubio Gamo
MACRO Testaccio - La Pelanda
A desecration of one of the foundation stones of western choreographic and musical culture, or a celebration and ode to it, reducing it to...

November 3rd
Daniele Ninarello | Dan Kinzelman
MACRO Testaccio - La Pelanda
Since 2007, the year in which he began his artistic career, Daniele Ninarello has been conducting choreographic research based on experimentation of improvisation in...

November 3rd
Floor Robert | inQuanto teatro
MACRO Testaccio - La Pelanda
  A space similar to a private room, with balloons suspended in the air, small movements and noises emerging from a body like memories...

November 4th
Francesca Foscarini
Vocazione all’asimmetria
MACRO Testaccio - La Pelanda
Emmanuel Lévinas says that, in the simple encounter with the other, the essential, the absolute comes into play: the showing, the epiphany of the...

November 4th
MACRO Testaccio - La Pelanda
According to choreographers and dancers Jonas&Lander, Adorabilis is a fantasy creature: a giant, colourful and exuberant octopus, capable of assuming different forms (similar to...

November 6th - 9th
Pippo Delbono
Adesso voglio musica e basta
Teatro Vittoria
The undisputed master of the contemporary theatre scene, ever since 1987, the year of his debut on the stage, Pippo Delbono has been building...

November 10th - 12th
Akram Khan Company
Chotto Desh
Teatro Vascello
Akram Khan Company will be inaugurating the first edition of REf Kids, a series of events dedicated by Romaeuropa Festival to families and children...

November 11th
iPet (AaiPet)
MACRO Testaccio - La Pelanda
iPads and mobile devices have become a tool of everyday use starting from an early age. But what is our real relationship with these...

November 11th - 12th
Farrés brothers i cia
MACRO Testaccio - La Pelanda
Get ready for a real trip on a hot air balloon through uncharted skies. Take off your shoes and get on board. The hot air...

November 11th - 12th
Dark Circus
MACRO Testaccio - La Pelanda
Don’t be fooled by the title of this show: the only thing that is black in Dark Circus by French group STEREOPTIK is the...

November 11th - 12th
Dorothée Munyaneza
Teatro India
Originating from Rwanda, a British national based in Marseille, Dorothée Munyaneza began her career as a singer (hers is the voice in one of...

November 17th - 18th
Roberto Herlitzka | Orchestra Sinfonica Abruzzese | D’Amico | Macchi | Marocchini | Vandor
De Rerum Natura
Teatro Vittoria
With De Rerum Natura – of Titus Lucretius Carus, award-winning actor Roberto Herlitzka brings to the stage the fruits of his personal study and...

November 17th - 19th
La mia grande avventura
MACRO Testaccio - La Pelanda
A new birth, a great adventure, a shaman who can see the glitter and shadows in mundane things, a man-child capable of entering into...

November 17th - 20th
Dimitri de Perrot
Istituto Svizzero
Organised by the Swiss Institute of Rome (ISR), the ‘migrations, chances et tournements’ project combines theatre, art, science and politics to tackle the issue...

November 18th - 19th
Theater De Spiegel
MACRO Testaccio - La Pelanda
Rhythm and percussion: these are the two keywords to access the world of BEAT THE DRUM!, a spectacle produced by De Spiegel, a Flemish...

November 18th - 19th
Julien Gosselin | Si vous pouviez lécher mon coeur | Michel Houellebecq
Les Particules élémentaires
Teatro Vascello
  With his company Si vous pouviez lécher mon cœur, Julien Gosselin appeared on the European theatre scene like a lightning strike from a...

November 18th - 19th
Congés Payés
MACRO Testaccio - La Pelanda
After the fun Dark Circus, STEREOPTIK, the French duo formed by Romain Bermond and Jean-Baptiste Maillet, continues to excite us with their theatre of...

November 22nd - 23rd
Jan Martens/GRIP | NAH
Teatro Vascello
Following an appearance at Romaeuropa 2015 with ODE TO THE ATTEMPT (a solo for meself) and in 2016 with THE DOGS DAYS ARE OVER,...

November 24th - 25th
Wunderbaum | Marleen Scholten
Chi è il vero italiano?
Teatro Biblioteca Quarticciolo
Who is the real Italian? In answer to this question, Wunderbaum invites us to a real housing association meeting in an apartment block in...

November 24th - 25th
Rustica X Band
MACRO Testaccio - La Pelanda
REf Kids is also jazz music, with one of the most interesting bands in the Rome area: Rustica X Band. Its history began at...

November 25th - 26th
MACRO Testaccio - La Pelanda
Midway between show and installation, Sensacional is an audio-visual experience designed for children aged 18 months to 3 years, but dedicated to an audience...

November 25th - 26th
zeitkratzer & She She Pop
The Ocean is Closed
Teatro Vascello
Play -according to the cultural historian Johan Huizinga- is a free activity carried out within certain fixed boundaries in time and space according to...

November 25th - 26th
Laurent Bigot
Le Petit Cirque
MACRO Testaccio - La Pelanda
The circus of French musician Laurent Bigot, is small in the real sense of the word: the artist built it on a table no...

December 2nd
Julia Krahn | Invernomuto
Palazzo delle Esposizioni
Is it possible to match performance art, an art discipline that is by nature ephemeral and temporary, with a crowdfunding project? This is the...

December 2nd
Massimo Bergamasco | Stelarc
Where are we now?
Palazzo delle Esposizioni
Where are we now? is the question, as well as the lecture and title which closes Romaeuropa Festival’s thirty-second edition. Created by Monique Veaute...

December 2nd
Danilo Rea | Alex Braga
Palazzo delle Esposizioni
Is artificial intelligence going to replace human beings in the near future? Or will this technology be a useful instrument to improve creativity and...