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Dancing days • National premiere

October 18th 2018
dance - dance

Keren Levi

The Dry Piece | XL Edition

With The Dry Piece | XL Edition, choreographer Keren Levi stages a poetic investigation on the perception of the female body in contemporary society and on the relationship between the beauty ideal and the identity of women.


Able to change aesthetics and themes while maintaining attention firmly on the dance and movement, this Amsterdam choreographer’s work arose in close collaboration with her performers, feeding on their subjectivity. In The Dry Piece, the theatrical setting is used as a Photoshop tool or as a space in which glamour and hard work coexist in the naked body of the dancers, observed through the colours of the video projections.


In fact, there are two sources of inspiration for Levi’s choreography: on the one hand, there are the creations of Busby Berkeley, the famous music director of the 1930s, and on the other the political text The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf, which indicts male chauvinism and the way in which the ideals of beauty (often verging into the pornographic) are used against women’s freedom.


Duration 60'         Choreography, Concept Keren Levi Dance, Choreography The Dry Piece Mari Matre Larsen, Tijana Prendovic, Orfee Schuijt, Eva Susova Dance, Choreography XL Edition Mari Matre Larsen, Karin Frankel / Rozemarijn de Neve, Alma Lindenhovius / Maya Tamir, Eva Susova, Hillary Blake Firestone / Carcom Sheffer, Maddy Bullard, Alice Pons, Alicia Verdú Macián Music Tom Parkinson Light Minna Tiikkainen Video Assi Weitz Dramaturgy Igor Dobricic Technique Martin Kaffarnik, Assi Weitz Production Martha van Megen Management TRANSISOTR (Jette Schnieder, Judith Schoneveld) Photo © Anna van Kooij