What does it mean and where do we feel being ‘at home’ today? Esercizi Sull’abitare, a modular format by the Bartolini/Baronio Company, manifests as a platform for collaboration and exchange between different artistic practices. It is an exploration of the relationship between places and the mapping of human narratives and geographies, based on research on the theme of living. Starting from a reflection on the theme of the house as a place of symbolic concentration of human coexistence, the Bartolini / Baronio Company embarks on a discourse with territories, inhabitants, artists, institutions, all sharing and synergistically developing an intervention on the dislocation of place and practice through ‘exercises on living’. Awarded with Boarding Pass Plus 2021-2022 and already working on the third stage of the project that will take them to New York, Bartolini / Baronio present a unique documentary, accompanied by live music and based on encounters, dialogues and exchanges woven over years of labour.
A project by Bartolini/Baronio
Curated by Valeria Orani
By and with Tamara Bartolini e Michele Baronio
With the live participation of Sebastiano Forte
and MaTeMusik Band dello Spazio Giovani e Scuola d’Arte MaTeMù/CIES
Artistic collaboration, mixing, live sound Michele Boreggi
Artistic collaboration, camera operator, director of photography, tecnica live Marco D’Amelio
Machine operator Ginevra Amato
Operator, original music Michele Baronio
DramaturgyTamara Bartolini
Directed and edited by Bartolini/Baronio
Communication and visual identity Margherita Masè e Elisa Pescitelli
Immagine grafica progetto Raffaele Fiorella
Production management Alessia Esposito
Organization Elisa Pescitelli
Cultural mediation New York residence Laila Petrone
Production Credits
Production 369gradi, Bartolini/Baronio
Coproduction Off Ostia Film Factory
With the support of Romaeuropa Festival, A.T.C.L. Associazione Teatrale fra i Comuni del Lazio, Umanism
In collaboration with Scuola d’Arte MaTeMù/CIES
In partnership with Istituto Italiano di Cultura di New York, Festival InScena, Calandra Institute CUNY, La MaMa Experimental Theatre
Winning project of the announcement of the Ministry of Culture “Boarding Pass Plus 2021-2022”