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Mattatoio / Teatro 2
November 4th 2022
digitalive - music

Sofia Crespo and Entangled Others Studio w/ Robertina Šebjanič

AquA(l)formings – Interweaving the Subaqueous

AquA(l)formings – Interweaving the Subaqueous

Utilising narrative-poetic reflection and backed by artificial intelligence (AI)technology, AquA(l)formings addresses the opportunity for the empathetic interspecies development of relationships with more-than-human entities. It explores the large-scale changes in the marine environment caused by human presence and tries to imagine how the new conditions (rising sea levels and water temperatures, new chemical composition …) are reflected in its inhabitants. Seas and oceans record such environmental changes in biological or geological time as memories, either within individual organisms or as marked shifts in ecosystem structures.


Entangled Others is the shared studio practice of artists Feileacan McCormick and Sofia Crespo. Their work focuses on ecology, nature, and generative arts, with an emphasis on giving the more-than-human new forms a presence and life in digital space. This involves exploring questions of relationship, biodiversity, and awareness through biology-inspired technologies. In turn, they highlight how through conscious efforts, new technology can be used to bring attention and awareness to the unseen that we are tightly interwoven with. Entanglement is a complex state one where no single entity can be said to be separate, or somehow unaffected, by any other present entangled, we cannot consider ourselves without others, act without interacting, speak without being heard.


Robertina Šebjanic is an internationally acclaimed artist whose work deals with cultural, (bio)political and ecological realities of aquatic environments. In her projects, she tackles the philosophical questions at the intersection of art, technology and science.   Her works received awards and nominations at Prix Ars Electronica, Starts Prize, Falling Walls.



Sofia Crespo (Entangled Others) is an artist with a focus on artificial life, her practice is driven by a huge interest in biologically-inspired technologies, such as neural networks. Her main focus is the way organic life uses artificial mechanisms to simulate itself and evolve. Her work has been exhibited and has won several awards.


Feileacan McCormick (Entangled Others) is a generative artist, researcher & former architect. His practice focuses on ecology, nature & generative arts, with a focus on giving non-human new forms of presence & life in the digital space.