Founded by Luisa Pardo and Gabino Rodríguez, Mexican company Lagartijas Tiradas al Sol has articulated its creative identity as a space for documentation and contemplation, which brings together art, work and life. The first appointment with the company is a play created at the invitation of Argentine director Lola Arìas for My Documents Online: a series of performative conferences in which artists from different disciplines present their personal investigations, their own radical experiences, and the history that haunts them. Làzaro is the story of an actor who decides to become another person, such as Mexican film and theater actor Gabino Rodrìguez (one of the founders of the company), who one day decided to stop being himself. “What makes me be me and not somebody else? How does one become another? Is it really possible to stop being who I am?”.
Lagartijas Tiradas al Sol is a group of artists. «We work on the stage, we make books, radio, videos and educational projects. Since 2003 we have started to develop projects based on the idea of ??connecting work and life, to erase or trace their boundaries. Our work seeks to create narratives about real events. It has nothing to do with entertainment, it is a space to think, articulate, displace and reveal what everyday life blends, neglects or presents us for granted. Things are as they are, but they can also be different. Our projects have been developed on three lines of research: the self / biography, the political history of Mexico and the present but always maintaining a tension between fiction and reality. We have presented our work in almost all states of the Mexican Republic. We have made seasons and presentations in independent forums, festivals, state theaters and universities. Abroad we worked, among others, at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels, the Schaubuhne in Berlin, the FIBA ??in Buenos Aires, the Wiener Festwochen in Vienna, the Autumn Festival in Paris, the Spektakel Theater in Zurich, the ALS in Montreal , at the HAU in Berlin, at the Kammerspiele in Munich and many others.
A project by Lagartijas Tiradas al Sol
Devellopped by Luisa Pardo e Lázaro Gabino Rodríguez
Accompaniment: Mariana Villegas e Francisco Barreiro
Space: Sergio López Vigueras
Translation: Salvador Amores
Production Credits
Created in the field of “My documents” by Lola Arias
Coproduction: Mousonturm Frankfurt am Main mit, Kampnagel Hamburg, Kaserne Basel and Münchner Kammerspielen