With Penelope, director and actress Martina Badiluzzi continues her research into female identities, positioning herself, once more, in a dimension suspended between ancient and contemporary figures. Penelope, a figure synonymous with fidelity and love, an icon of patient waiting, a counterpart to the adventurous journey of Ulysses, concocts her plan in silence. Yet, unlike how we are used to imagining her, she knows herself and possesses a fine intelligence that has led her to become such a heroine of endurance and determination. Now, embodied by actress Federica Carruba Toscano, she expresses her own narrative: her voice, as well as her story, become both a limit and a frontier in narrating her relationship with quiescence but also with the notion of food. The final banquet she holds morphs into an ever-present instrument of control over the body of women, one in which survival and consumption merge- as do the single and the multitude, the primordial and the contemporary.
Loosely based on The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood
and Cibo by Helena Janeczek.
Direction and dramaturgy: Martina Badiluzzi
With: Federica Carruba Toscano
Sound project: Samuele Cestola
Light and scene design: Fabrizio Cicero
Costumes: Rossana Gea Cavallo
Artistic consultancy: Giorgia Buttarazzi
Assistant director: Arianna Pozzoli
Production Credits
Curated by: Corrado Russo
General producer: Pietro Monteverdi
Production: Oscenica
In coproduction with: Romaeuropa Festival, Primavera dei Teatri, Scena Verticale, Pergine Festival
With the support of: La Corte Ospitale, Teatro Biblioteca Quarticciolo, Carrozzerie n.o.t.
Photo: Guido Mencari Photography