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National Premiere

Auditorium Parco Della Musica "Ennio Morricone" / Sala Petrassi
October 1st - 2nd 2022
dance - dance

Maud Le Pladec

Twenty-seven perspectives

Director of the Centre Choréographique National d’Orléans since 2017, Maud Le Pladec has built a choreographic language linked to the musical universe. From pop to post-minimalist American music, sound, dance and text have always found a balance in her shows, generating a strongly perceptive dimension. The choreographer arrives at Romaeuropa Festival with 27- perspectives, to confront a masterpiece of European music: Schubert’s unfinished Symphony n. 8.  Inspired by Rémy Zaugg’s 27 esquisses perceptives (27 perceptual sketches) and in collaboration with musician Pete Harden, Le Pladec seeks to recompose Shubert’s masterpiece, orchestrating different sequences of musical and choreographic variations in an attempt to make it complete. Ten dancers from diverse backgrounds come together in choreographic symphony, within a remarkable construct that manages to make dance audible and music visible.


Concept and artistic direction: Maud Le Pladec
Lighting design: Éric Soyer
Sound design: Pete Harden
based on Franz Schubert, Symphony Unfinished No.8
Costumes: Alexandra Bertaut
Assistant: Julien Gallée-Ferreé

Performers: Régis Badel, Amanda Barrio Charmelo, Olga Dukhovnaya, Jacquelyn Elder, Simon Feltz, Maria Ferreira Silva, Aki Iwamoto, Daan Jaartsveld, Louis Nam Le Van Ho, Noé Pellencin
Substitutes: Matthieu Chayrigues, Jeanne Stuart

Production Credits

General manager: Fabrice Le Fur o Steven Le Corre
Lighting Manager: Nicolas Marc o Mathieu Landré
Sound manager: Vincent Le Meur o Périg Ménez

Photo ©Konstantin Lipatov
Videos ©Julie Pareau

Production: Centre chorégraphique national d’Orlèans
Coproductions: Chaillot – Théâtre national de la danse, Festival Montpellier Danse 2018, Festival NEXT / Schouwburg Kortrijk & le Phénix scène nationale Valenciennes pôle européen de création, La Briqueterie – CDCN du Val de Marne, MC2:Grenoble
Residences: Théâtre d’Orléans in collaborazione con la Scène nationale
Corealization: Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse / La Briqueterie – CDCN du Val de Marne

Il Centre Chorégraphique National d’Orléans is supported by Ministero della Cultura — D.R.A.C Centre- Val de Loire, La Città d’Orléans, la Région Centre-Val de Loire, il Conseil Départemental du Loiret. With the support of Institut français — Ministero degli Affari Esteri per tournée le internazionali.