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Anni Luce - Powered by REF 2024

October 5th - 6th 2024
anni luce - danza e teatro italiano


Pezzo a due con dieci piante

Pezzo a due con dieci piante

Powered by REF, the Romaeuropa Festival project promoted in collaboration with Carrozzerie | n.o.t and 369gradi, dedicated to artists under 30 working in the field of theatrical and performance research, reaches its fifth edition. It is the support and enhancement of the youngest creative forces of the Italian scene that nourishes the heart of the initiative, now structured as a real network involving for the co-realization of the residencies Periferie Artistiche – Centro di Residenza Multidisciplinare del Lazio, ATCL – multidisciplinary circuit of Lazio for Spazio Rossellini – regional multidisciplinary cultural pole, Teatro Biblioteca Quarticciolo and Cranpi. Also this year Powered by REf has selected three emerging artistic projects proposed by artists Under30 whose first studies are presented as part of Anni Luce.


GRUPPO ToK / Pezzo a due con dieci piante

« What are the consequences of not having a green thumb? The death of a plant or two. Some might consider that a crime, but, like to say, we’ve all been there. A boy is at the microphone and begins his story to the audience. It all started with a Bonsai tree, the plant given to him (or rather, gifted to him) by a friend who moved away and could not take it with him. Bonsai trees are very difficult plants. In fact, the word does not denote the plant itself, but defines it in a kind of growth design choice. A human choice, and just like humans, Bonsai trees need a lot of care. In fact, despite his efforts, the Boy failed to keep it alive. This “bonsaicide” is the beginning of his obsessive relationship with plants. He tells us that he saved ten of them from a depressing life among the shelves of Ikea and now they are here with him on stage. This time they don’t have to die, not again. Yes, but how does one take care of a plant? It’s not like one can ask them. Or maybe no one has ever really tried. Microphones, lights shining, here is the “First International Plant World Conference.” Chairs are arranged on the stage in rows, one per plant. The Boy takes the microphone and interviews them, one at a time. And they respond. As a plant would respond, of course. Now the floor is given to the audience. It is the plants who have questions for us. What happens if the actions we do on the bodies of plants are brought to the bodies of humans?»


Powered by REF si a project by Romaeuropa Festival
as part of ANNI LUCE_osservatorio di futuri possibili

in collaboration with: Carrozzerie | n.o.t e 369gradi srl
chorealization residencies: Periferie Artistiche – Centro di Residenza Multidisciplinare del Lazio
in network with: ATCL – Circuito multidisciplinare del Lazio for Spazio Rossellini Polo culturale multidisciplinare regionale, Teatro Biblioteca Quarticciolo, Cranpi