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REf2020 – Table Top Shakespeare: At Home Edition

Nell’ambito del programma UK/Italy 2020 Season “Being Present”, il British Council e la Fondazione Romaeuropa presentano Forced Entertainment. Table Top Shakespeare: At Home Edition. L’intera opera teatrale shakespeariana viene ricostruita, in lingua originale, attraverso 4 appuntamenti settimanali online e gratuiti che si susseguiranno dal giovedì alla domenica fino al 15 novembre. Disponibili in streaming su a partire da giovedì 17 settembre alle ore 19:00 con Macbeth.

As part of the UK/Italy 2020 Season “Being Present” program, the British Council and Fondazione Romaeuropa present Forced Entertainment. Table Top Shakespeare: At Home Edition. The entire Shakespearean play is reconstructed through 4 weekly online and free appointments from Thursday to Sunday that will follow each other over 9 weeks in the original language until November 15th. Available in streaming on starting from Thursday 17th September at 7 pm with Macbeth.