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National Premiere
uno spettacolo documentario di e con Paola Di Mitri
Mattatoio / Teatro 1
theatre - theatre

Paola Di Mitri

Vita Amore Morte e Rivoluzione

Vita Amore Morte e Rivoluzione

Vita Amore Morte e Rivoluzione

Navigating an intimate map composed of memories, family films and old photographs, director Paola Di Mitri reconstructs her family history, as she seeks an…

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With Penelope, director and actress Martina Badiluzzi continues her research into female identities, positioning herself, once more, in a dimension suspended between ancient and…

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Faith, Hope and Charity

The work of Alexander Zeldin – an English artist associated with the National Theatre in London and the Odéon in Paris – seems to…

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Ottobre 22

In Ottobre 22, actor, director and playwright Renato Sorti, in collaboration with historian Mimmo Franzinelli and the dramaturg Sergio Pierattini, reconstructs the events that,…

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Au bord

«What I like about the image is that it opens your gaze, it deepens it. I never talk about interpreting the image, instead I…

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Il mio corpo è <span style='text-decoration: line-through;'>come</span> un monte

Il mio corpo è come un monte is a work of physical and visual juxtaposition that contemplates the possibility of a literally impossible desire: wanting to be…

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Presented during REF21 as part of the Situazione Drammatica section, the text of Ok Boomer by Nicolò Sordo (Recipient of the Pier Vittorio Tondelli…

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6900Km_Esercizi sull'abitare #3

What does it mean and where do we feel being ‘at home’ today? Esercizi Sull’abitare, a modular format by the Bartolini/Baronio Company, manifests as…

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Riding on a cloud

Director Rabih Mroué’s spectacle is a profound combination of the personal and the political: for RIDING ON A CLOUD he invites his brother Yasser…

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The Threepenny Opera <br>(Die Dreigroschenoper)

Founded in 1949 by Bertolt Brecht, the Berliner Ensemble – one of the most prestigious international institutions- has written one of the most important…

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After enchanting our audiences with his creation Raul, the flamboyant and unpredictable James Thierrée returns to the stage ready to transform, once again, reality…

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Liberté d’action

The return of great German composer and director Heiner Goebbels to the REF is based on his creative encounter with the texts of one…

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Founded by Luisa Pardo and Gabino Rodríguez, Mexican company Lagartijas Tiradas al Sol has articulated its creative identity as a space for documentation and…

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Born in 1995, theatre and opera director Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe has explored through his artistic production an original, fluid, deeply queer field of research….

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