Annamaria Ajmone is a young, promising Italian dancer and choreographer. In 2014, as part of the project Dnappunti coreografici, she presented the preliminary version of ‘Tiny’, and received a grant to continue her artistic research. This year, she is coming back to DNAeurope to show her work in progress. With this choreography, Annamaria Ajmone goes one step further on an exploration started with her previous work ‘InQuiete’. In ‘InQuiete’, she analyzed the physical and psychic tensions caused by the external world, while ‘Tiny’ is an exploration of a more intimate dimension – a voyage of discovery of one’s own body, a journey through fantasies, forces, echoes, personal and cultural memories. These are the elements that both inhabit and give life to a choreographic space animated by a mutual, perpetual exchange between the inner reality of the body and the exterior world. In this space, the choreographer aims at striking a delicate balance between the inside and the outside. While Annamaria Ajmone was choreographing the dance, Marcello Gori composed the music for this piece. The music itself is a blend of natural and artificial sounds that help create the space and evoke a more abstract and rarefied acoustic dimension. This atmosphere is enhanced by the work of Giulia Pastore, a young light designer endowed with a great artistic sensibility. Annamaria Ajmone is considered to be one of the most talented dancers of the Italian scene. She holds a degree from the Faculty of Arts, where she studied Contemporary Literature and Playwriting. She is salso a graduate from Scuola di Arte Drammatica Paolo Grassi. She specialized and danced abroad with Guilherme Bothelo, Ariella Vidach, and Cristina Rizzo. She presently works with the Roman artist collective Santasangre as well as with budding choreographers such as Daniele Ninarello.
By Annamaria Ajmone
Music Marcello Gori Light Design Giulia Pastore
Artistic consultant Giovanna Cicciari Organisation Giulia Basaglia
Photo © Giovanna Cicciari
Supported by Promozione Danza della Fondazione Romaeuropa, CSC di Bassano del grappa, l’Arboreto di Mondaino, DIDstudio / Ariella Vidach AiEP In collaboration with Kollatino Underground, PIMOFF, Goteborg Operans Danskompany, Imacelli di Certaldo, Cascina Valdalpozzo