With a degree in directing from the Paolo Grassi School of Milan, founder of The Baby Walk company, Liv Ferracchiati has gained national attention through a trilogy entirely dedicated to research on gender identity. The three chapters of this project, which earned her the 2017 Premio Scenario, turn the gaze of the viewer to the stories, the feelings, the lives of many characters grappling with their nature.
«Dealing with gender identity means questioning our nature as human beings by raising universal and cultural questions», declares Liv. Three stages of life, three different offerings of language: Peter Pan guarda sotto le gonne (Peter Pan looking up skirts) allows the young director to tell the story of a little girl and the inability to communicate, Stabat Mater recounts the tale of a thirty-year-old writer who lives as a man in a body with a feminine appearance.
Here, language is an instrument for the construction of one’s own identity, which evolves in the last chapter, Un Eschimese in Amazzonia (An Eskimo in the Amazon), into a metaphor of the fragility of the forms we choose for ourselves and the impossibility of narrating them to others.
Purchase the ticket : Peter Pan guarda sotto le gonne (Peter Pan looking up skirts)
Purchase the ticket : Stabat Mater
Purchase the ticket : Un Eschimese in Amazzonia (An Eskimo in the Amazon)