The Directorate General for the Promotion of the Country System and the Directorate General for Italians Abroad and Migration Policies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, in collaboration with the Directorate General for Live Entertainment of the Ministry of Cultural and Activities and Heritage and Romaeuropa Foundation, have launched the first edition of the ‘Premio Vivo d’Arte’, an annual competition for young artists under 35 years of age in the disciplines of contemporary theatre, music and dance, reserved for artists of Italian nationality who are permanently resident abroad. REf19 presents the winning creation.
Idea and Choreography: Maria Giulia Serantoni
Creation and Dance: MariaGiulia Serantoni, Maria Focaraccio
Sound: Andrea Parolin
Light Design: Michele Piazzi
Stage Design: MariaGiulia Serantoni, Giulia Paolucci
Video: Florence Freitag
This production is kindly supported and provided with video material by Horst Weidenmüller !K7 Berlin, Ingo Kratisch & Jutta Sartory, Johannes Plank and Gabz444
Photos: ©Gabz444