Which other artform allows us to experience the absence of balance as absolute freedom, if not the circus, with its colors and its magic? Big Up Circus transport us into magical worlds and through the body of the artists and their acrobatics they construct a series of dreamlike and playful tableaux that make us confront- in fun ways- limits, rules and difficulties.
Linguaggi scenici: Acrobatica, danza, giocoleria, acrobatica aerea, clown.
Interpreti: Stefano Zacchi, Valentina Di Emidio, Margherita Gasperini, Filippo Brunetti
Drammaturgia: Eugenio Di Vito, Leonardo Varriale
Regia: Eugenio Di Vito
Scenografie e luci: Fabio Pecchioli
Produzione: Bigup Circo