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6+ years old
Mattatoio - Teatro 1
kids - theatre


Kafka e la bambola viaggiatrice

Kafka e la bambola viaggiatrice

The power of theatre and of video projections  is used to present on stage Kafka and the travelling doll (Kafka e la bambola viaggiatrice) from the…

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Musical Labyrinth

Zonzo Compagnie transforms the spaces of the Mattatoio into a maze of sound and noise in which the little spectators, accompanied by a guide,…

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Zonzo Compagnie travel the world with their shows, bringing to life the universe of the most important international musicians and composers. 250 years after…

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Fanny & Alexander tell the story of the Wonderful Wizard of Oz and its sequel, The adventures of Dorothy. Traveling to OZ, the young…

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Zenith e Nadir

Which other artform allows us to experience the absence of balance as absolute freedom, if not the circus, with its colors and its magic?…

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Il Teatro delle Marionette di Lubljana, il teatro di figura nazionale della Slovenia, crea dal 1948 spettacoli rivolti a un pubblico di tutte le…

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De Stilte, a Dutch dance company engaged since 1994 in the creation of children’s shows, translates the fantastic and surreal world of Lewis Carroll’s…

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Les Touristes

French company Les Grandes Personnes invades the spaces of Testaccio with its giant puppets that are up to 4 meters high. Built from humble…

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Dall’alto. Dramma musicale circense <br>(From above. A musical circus drama)

Musician Riccardo Nova and Giacomo Costantini, with Quattrox4 Company and Milano Musica Festival, build a spectacle in which contemporary music and contemporary circus merge…

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