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Sala Santa Rita
2018-10-07 21:00:00
from September 27th
to 7 October 2018

NONE collective


Founded by Gregorio De Luca Comandini, Mauro Pace and Saverio Villirillo, NONE collective operates on the confines between art, design and technological research, having always been involved with the creation of immersive works in the international arena.


More than an installation, GENESI is a collective ritual, a stimulus in the search for the connection between the individual and their spirituality. From the OM mantra to the Tibetan bells, the songs of the Mu’adhin to Gregorian chants to hypnosis techniques: the most varied and ancient meditation practices merge to create a loud crescendo that, together with the use of light, challenges the spectator by transforming them into an unconscious performer.


Spirituality lies in the darkness of uncertainty, fear and chaos. Does not darkness also represent the becoming; that which we are yet to discover?



GENESI Immersive installation by NONE collective, 2017 Photo © NONE collective GENESI Festa di Roma 2018, Piazza Sant’Anastasia, photo credits Cristina Vatielli | NONE collective