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November 14th - 15th 2018
music - video

Anagoor • Accademia d’Arcadia

Et manchi pietà. Artemisia Gentileschi e le musiche del suo tempo

The relationship between classicism and contemporary languages, so central in the artistic research undertaken by Anagoor (who was also part of this edition of the festival with Oresteia) is dedicated to the performance that the Italian company, one of the most appreciated of its generation, presents together with Accademia d’Arcadia: Et Manchi Pietà. Artemisia Gentileschi and the music of her time.


A multimedia creation of video art and live music, the show – as its title suggests – is dedicated to the work of the painter Artemisia Gentileschi (Rome 1593 – Naples c.a. 1656) and accompanied by works by contemporary composers. Thirteen large paintings are combined with an equal number of musical pieces by Monteverdi, Merula, Strozzi, Castello, Landi, Rosso, Falconieri, Fontana, Trabaci and Marini, translating the melancholy, violent or even exuberant mood, binding them inextricably to the pictorial themes of Gentileschi.


Delving down to the vital roots of these visions and music, in their violence and their poetry, Anagoor creates an indissoluble theatrical mingling by sparking these images and music to reveal and reconcile the anger and transgression that permeates the artistic production of the great Italian painter.



Duration 75' Music credits Soprano Silvia Frigato Accademia d’Arcadia: violins Davide Monti, Gian Andrea Guerra viola Valentina Soncini viol Teodoro Baù cello Nicola Brovelli violone Matteo Cicchitti flutes José Manuel Fernández Bravo ear trumpet Jedediah Allen baroque harp Marta Graziolino theorbo and baroque guitar Giovanni Bellini percussions Matteo Rabolini cymbal Luigi Accardo cymbal and orchestration Alessandra Rossi Lürig   Video credits With Anna Bragagnolo, Eliza Oanca, Carlo Bragagnolo, Viviana Callegari, Jacopo Toso, Marco Crosato, Riccardo Civiero, Enrico Beraldo, Serena Bussolaro, Ivo Soligo, Nicolò Giovannini, Giovanni 'Sì certo' Merlo, Davide Pedrini, Marco Menegoni, Moreno Callegari Concept Simone Derai, Moreno Callegari, Marco Menegoni Story Simone Derai Script Simone Derai, Moreno Callegari Camera Moreno Callegari, Marco Menegoni, Simone Derai Editing Simone Derai, Moreno Callegari Set Simone Derai, Moreno Callegari, Marco Menegoni, Serena Bussolaro Costumes Serena Bussolaro, Simone Derai, Moreno Callegari Hair Linda Gallo Direction Simone Derai Production, Organisation, Web design Marco Menegoni Acknowledgments Festival MITO, Museo Civico Comune di Bassano del Grappa, VI, Italy Comune di Castelfranco Veneto, REGIONE DEL VENETO, DIREZIONE ATTIVITA’ CULTURALI E SPETTACOLO, Villa Contarini, Fondazione G. E. Ghirardi Famiglia Guidolin Special thanks to Elisabetta Sgarbi ET MANCHI PIETÀ is produced by Fondazione d’Arcadia / Anagoor 2012 In collaboration with Festival MiTo, Centrale Fies Supporto APAP - ADVANCE PERFORMING ARTS PROJECT / Culture Programme 2007 - 2013 e di SC - Culture of change - University of Zagreb - Student centre Zagreb Anagoor is part of Fies Factory