Is it possible to match performance art, an art discipline that is by nature ephemeral and temporary, with a crowdfunding project? This is the question that ArtOnTime seeks to answer: an award, but also an exhibition and curator project designed and launched by Marco Trevisan, Christie’s consultant, collector Giorgio Fasol and Tommaso Cinti, manager of the crowdfunding platform artraising.org.
Two artists are selected by a high profile jury – composed of Fasol himself, curator Antonio Grulli, Riccardo Lisi (director of La Rada in Locarno) and the President of the Fondazione Romaeuropa Monique Veaute – and invited to think about a possible contribution by the audience who will be supporting their performance financially.
Concept, Direction Marco Trevisan, AGI Verona, Tommaso Cinti Photo © (from the left) Julia Krahn Mutter 2009, Invernomuto Calendoola set photo 2016, Julia Krahn Petticoat Kyrie Eleison Museo Diocesano Performance 2015, Invernomuto Holedigger performance 2009