“Melologue for the New Millennium” – this is how actress and director Lisa Ferlazzo Natoli and percussionist, director and composer Gianluca Ruggeri define Les Adieux! Parole salvate dalle fiamme, an inspired blend of reciting voices, music and video. Natoli herself, along with actors Marco Foschi and Vinicio Marchioni, works with an ensemble of four instruments (viola, flute, bayan and percussion) to build a path around the October Revolution.
Esenin, Majakowski, Pasternak, and Blok, street companions of the revolution and dissidents by position, with their words, their contradictions, their dead and their exiles, are protagonists of a crossing from one age to another, a journey back in time to retrieve ancient roots, find in verses and words the rhythm of drums and the refrain of popular ballads.
Extracts of famous performances, the speeches of Lenin, Stalin and Kruscev to the nation, the futurist experiments, and the songs of the Red Army move together with fragments of films by Ejzenstejn, archive materials, photographs by Rodchenco and Chaledej, live and re-processed videos, in a musical continuum through which to reinvent associations and narrations, bringing an era and its end back to life, to experience its shocking inheritance.