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National premiere

Teatro Vascello
November 18th - 19th 2017
home - powerful stories

Julien Gosselin | Si vous pouviez lécher mon coeur | Michel Houellebecq

Les Particules élémentaires


With his company Si vous pouviez lécher mon cœur, Julien Gosselin appeared on the European theatre scene like a lightning strike from a clear sky. In fact the director, who is not yet 30, and who trained at the Théatre de Lille drama school, had the courage to address one of the most controversial novels of contemporary French literature. Les Particules élémentaires by Michel Houellebecq.

Lauded by the public and the press, the result of this ambitious work is a show lasting more than three hours in which the enfant prodige embraces the author’s language to translate it into a rich scenic vocabulary. Ten actors take on the roles of characters from the novel, as well as commentators, narrators and musicians, accompanied by electric guitars and real-time video.

Bruno and Michel, the first constantly searching for love, the second terrorised of it, are the protagonists of Houllebecq’s novel and the starting point for a ruthless portrayal of Western society that since 1968 has been drawing closer to a science fiction-like yet sterile future. Gosselin accompanies us through this scenario with freshness and wisdom suspended between irony and lyricism, sex, discos and yoga lessons, cynicism and furious poetry.

Les Particules élémentaires by Michel Houellebecq, published by Flammarion (1998) Adaptation, Set, Direction Julien Gosselin Cast Joseph Drouet, Denis Eyriey, Antoine Ferron, Noémie Gantier, Carine Goron, Alexandre Lecroc-Lecerf, Caroline Mounier, Victoria Quesnel, Geraldine Roguez, Maxence Vandevelde General direction, Lights Nicolas Joubert Music Guillaume Bachelé Video Pierre Martin Video direction Jeremie Bernaert Sound Julien Feryn Costume Caroline Tavernier Assistant Yann Lesvenan Administration, Production, Distribution Eugénie Tesson Tour logistic Emmanuel Mourmant Administration assistant Paul Lacour Production Si vous pouviez lécher mon coeur Coproduction Théâtre du Nord, Théâtre national Lille Tourcoing région Nord - Pas de Calais, Festival d’Avignon, le Phénix de Valenciennes, La Rose des vents, Scène nationale Villeneuve d’ascq, Théâtre de Vanves, le Mail, scène culturelle de soissons Support MCC / DRAC nord-Pas de calais, Région Nord - Pas de Calais, Ville de Lille, SACD Beaumarchais, Théâtre de l’Oiseau-Mouche