A delicate duet for father and son, this piece is built on dialogue and on the balance established between the body and weight of a child and that of his father. A tender game of improvisation, aimed at investigating paternal identity in poetic terms, but also two different ages of the male body.
Naïf production is a creator of live performances and collective adventures. It was founded by Sylvain, Mathieu and Lucien, three acrobats trying to put into dance the gravity of the world based on a singular relation their bodies and minds have with gravity. They create scenarios of images and gestures revolving around the themes of disequilibrium, resistance and effort that are focused on physical engagement. The engagement that they try to expand beyond the stage. They undertake individual and collective initiatives, and try to operate on a cooperative basis. Each of their projects is an opportunity to reinvent new structures to coexist and work together. A fragile space of frictions where deciding means neither managing nor owning.
At the initiative of the project: Sylvain Bouillet | Dramaturgy: Lucien Reynès | Artistic consultant: Sara Vanderieck | Performers: Charlie Bouillet and Sylvain Bouillet | Light creation: Pauline Guyonnet | Electronic live and sonar ambient: Christophe Ruetsch
Coproduction: Les Hivernales CDCN d’Avignon, Le Cratère scène nationale d’Alès, CCN Malandain Ballet Biarritz, Le Pacifique CDCN de Grenoble as part of (re)connaissance 2016. | Supports: KLAP Maison pour la danse de Marseille, Agora Cité internationale de la danse de Montpellier. DRAC PACA, Ville d’Avignon, Naïf Production are associate artists to Hivernales-CDCN d’Avignon and they has been selected for the 2019 edition of Aerowaves.