Presented for the first time in 1976 at Beat 72 (an iconic space of the Roman counterculture of the Seventies), La rivolta degli oggetti by Gaia Scienza returns to the stage, reborn from the will of the original members of the company: Giorgio Barberio Corsetti, Marco Solari and Alessandra Vanzi. A new group of actors inhabits a stage built with discarded violins, suspended chairs, a coat, ropes that cross the space and suitcases, realized in collaboration with the Italian artist Gianni Dessì. Objects in revolt- as in the eponymous poem by Majakovsky- flee the narrative dimension of the scene to restore it to a new perceptual dimension.
La rivolta degli oggetti by Vladímir Majakóvskij
Direction: LA GAIA SCIENZA, Giorgio Barberio Corsetti, Marco Solari, Alessandra Vanzi
Scenographic Interventions: Gianni Dessì
With: Carolina Ellero, Dario Caccuri, Antonio Santalena
Lighting: Tiziano Di Russo
Production assistant: Ottavia Nigris Cosattini
Production: Fattore K. 2019
in coproduzione con Teatro di Roma – Teatro Nazionale, RomaEuropa Festival e Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione
Photo © Musacchio, Ianniello & Pasqualini