A dance of mechanical arms, lights and images, a choreography based on generative music in which the movements of a robot and the stream of sound are indissolubly linked. Through an interdisciplinary and collaborative attitude, Ultravioletto explores the possibilities that exist between analog and digital, in order to examine the relationship between humans and technology.
Ultraviolet is a creative studio applying design to emerging technology. A team of professionals creative directors, designers and coders who work together to bring new media technologies in the communication field. A full service agency for concept, design and realization of special projects in exhibitions, fairs, museums, brand experience and events.
Max Zomparelli, Bruno Capezzuoli, Francesco Bruno Viteri, Giulio Pernice and Tito Cetroni, the founders of the studio, come from backgrounds in computer science, video production, projection mapping, gaming, VR technologies, internet of things and architecture to create aesthetic experience at the fringes of the recently possible. They love to share knowledge so they established art/science collaborations teaching Interaction Design in institutions like IED (European Institute of Design) and La Sapienza Rome University. Ultraviolet believe in research and experiment their new interactive solutions in new media festivals or exhibitions to meet open mind people who can inspire each other.
Per Sonic Arms Ultravioletto ha programmato il software di controllo delle robot arms, implementandone la cinematica inversa e i protocolli di comunicazione tra i media. Ultravioletto ha sviluppato un framework per la generazione delle coreografie robotiche audio reactive.
Produzione: Ultravioletto
Art Direction e Concept: Bruno Capezzuoli
Technical Direction: Massimo Zomparelli
3D Visual Artist: Francesco Bruno Viteri
Creative Coding: Giulio Pernice
Cinetica e light design: Bruno Capezzuoli
Sound design/FX: Ipologica
Direttore di produzione: Tito Cetroni